Ashley's Story (40 Days of Water)
This past Sunday Ashley Clark shared with the CNX community about a trip to Africa that changed her life and gave her a front row perspective of the dire need for clean water. Here's a piece of what Ashley had to say about her experiences and the importance of projects like 40 Days of Water."In May of 2007 I had the privilege to travel to Malawi, Africa which is located in the southern part of Africa. I went to Malawi through a partnership my church in New York had with World Vision. We visited an Area Development Project founded by World Vision and got to see the affects of clean water in an African village first hand.
"I think one thing that stuck with me the most was not the lack of clean water but the distance they had to travel to get clean water. We met many inspiring women that traveled several miles a few times a day to get clean water so they could meet the basic needs of their families. It struck me because their attitudes were never negative or complaining. These women were constantly singing praises and offering prayers for others who were worse off than themselves.
So, I want you to know that the sacrifices several of you have made over these 40 days will not go unknown noticed. Yes, we are providing clean water but we are also making life a little easier for hundreds maybe thousands of families. And, amidst the tragedy and hardship that these people face every day (whether they know it or not), doesn’t water seem like something so simple to give? And, maybe they will see Jesus in us the way I saw Jesus in them."
We have a chance to make a real difference for real people. Every dollar donated will provide clean water for 1 African for an entire year.
If you are a part of the CNX community and want to contribute to the 40 Days of Water Project, we'll be collecting an offering for this purpose on Sunday (4/12). Please make your check payable to Connections and note "Water Project" on the memo line. We'll be writing one check to Blood Water Mission and every penny donated will go to this important work.
If you won't be at Connections on Sunday, consider donating directly to Blood Water Mission. And if you are willing, post a comment here (anonymously is fine) and let us know how much you contributed so that we can see the impact we are making together.