Friday, May 22, 2009

A Psalm Prayer

This prayer comes from Psalm 90:1-6, a scripture which always makes me think of the marvelous passage from Job 38 where God gets lavishly poetic with Job in describing the differences between humans and God.


Our Father, Creator of the Universe,

You have been our help in every generation, and you will be our refuge for generations to come. Through storm and war, in times of peace and plenty, in all the great and small places of the earth, you were, you are, and you will be.

You laid the foundations of the earth while the morning stars sang and all the creatures of the universe shouted for joy. When the sea was born you clothed it with clouds and formed its limits. You know the warehouses of snow and hail, and the ways to the places the winds call home.

A thousand years is a long time for us, but it passes for you like yesterday’s dream. We arrive on earth and then are gone; “Return to the dust,” you say, and we become once again the clay of creation.

Be our guide while this life lasts. Be our hope for this brief span. And one bright morning, when this life is over, welcome us home.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Psalm and Prayer of Praise

Whenever I'm not sure what to pray before God's people I simply turn to the Psalms and let one of the generations who came before me speak on my behalf. These prayers are like rivers that are still flowing down among us, and as we wade in and out (or merely observe from the riverbank) we can find refreshment and delight.

This prayer comes from Psalm 145; I have changed some of the order and play of the verses, but the spirit of the river of praise remains the same.

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We lift your name on high, Mighty God!

We sing your praise today, may we sing your song into all eternity. You are magnificent before us; there are no boundaries to your greatness. Generation after generation stands in awe of your work: they have all told stories of your mighty acts. We know you as One who is slow to anger and rich in love, suffusing all things in your grace.

We give you thanks
for supporting those who are weary
for drawing near to all who call on you
for bringing harvest on the Earth in due season
for lavishing compassion on all you have made

May we speak of the glory of your kingdom.
May we make known to all people your mighty works and loving ways.
Today and all days we lift our voices in worship.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Prayer for Worship

Holy and mighty God, Maker of all good things, in the full glory of this day you have made and this people you have made, we gather.

We give you thanks for all those along the journey who have been instrumental in bringing us to this holy place on this holy morning: for that early teacher, or family member; for that friend or child or witness... We pray that this church may draw many more to know your love, your forgiveness, and your grace.

We pray also for those who are today burdened by heavy loads: for countries and individuals who are deeply in debt, for those suffering from earthquake and famine, for all subjected to wars, and for displaced people everywhere. We dedicate ourselves again to the works of justice and mercy that make us your hands and heart in this broken world.

We lift up before you all who find life difficult or painful today: those who are hard on themselves and on others, and all who struggle with deep burdens of guilt. May we bring your rest for the weary, your hope for the fearful, your peace to the troubled.

May our worship of you be not just a Sunday-morning gift, but a gift of our lives and our hearts.